How Common is Identity Theft in Real Estate Transactions?20210510174005
How Common is Identity Theft in Real Estate Transactions?
Today’s technologically advanced world has improved the convenience and ease with which many actions and transactions are conducted. Unfortunately, it...
4 Ways Digital Payments Save Time and Money20210510172827
4 Ways Digital Payments Save Time and Money
If you’ve ever paid a bill or purchased an item without touching your checkbook or bringing out cash, you’ve made a digital payment. In fact, most of ...
What is the Penalty of Wire Fraud?20210324145633
What is the Penalty of Wire Fraud?
Many crimes constitute wire fraud, including scams that involve interstate wires. Federal wire fraud is a federal offense and the Federal Bureau of In...
How to Recover Money from Wire Fraud20210312223548
How to Recover Money from Wire Fraud
Your heart drops. A sinking feeling begins in your stomach. You think you've just been the victim of wire fraud, but how can you recover money from wi...
Why Digital Payment is Better Than Cash20210304181526
Why Digital Payment is Better Than Cash
The ability to pay digitally has become more important than ever, as it benefits both businesses and consumers in many ways. In fact, in 2018, the Fed...
Who Investigates Wire Fraud?20210226172742
Who Investigates Wire Fraud?
Wire fraud is certainly not a new crime, but incidences of wire fraud have been growing exponentially over the last few years, especially in the real ...
3 Real Estate Fraud Prevention Trends in 202020210205175140
3 Real Estate Fraud Prevention Trends in 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way many companies in various industries do business, which is why real estate fraud prevention is more importan...
How Common is Mortgage Wire Transfer Fraud?20201230080000
How Common is Mortgage Wire Transfer Fraud?
Real estate agents need to be at the top of their game to efficiently manage a multitude of daily tasks and provide sufficient attention to client’s n...
Does Business Insurance Cover Wire Fraud?20201222080000
Does Business Insurance Cover Wire Fraud?
Many businesses today utilize wire transfers to make and receive payments from customers, clients, vendors, and others. In the real estate industry, w...
9 Common Mortgage Scams (and How to Avoid Them)20201208080000
9 Common Mortgage Scams (and How to Avoid Them)
As a real estate professional, you have plenty of experience dealing with title companies, closing attorneys, escrow agents, and mortgage lenders. Sub...